Am happy i cud bring at least
Small happiness in your life
I go mad when i look at you
You have made me feel so special
Now we are so closely bonded
Am not afraid of dying
But m afraid of loosing you.
You didnt do anything..
But i am so in love with you
I dont know how....
I dont know why..
All i know is that i love you with every part of my heart
I cant talk to you late nights
Only whisper..
There may be many others in my life
In my past and future
But non can replace you
You will always have a soft cozy corner
In the core of my heart
My love for you is growing
I feel so happy when i see you
Everytime you look at me ,I feel special
I feel there is no one around us
And that s what i love the most
Everytime i see you happy i feel i have achieved everything in this world .....