Never send a job application appealing for help. "Please help me to find a job" will make you sound hopeless and helpless.
Employers want executors, innovators and problems solvers.
Show your employer that you want to work for him and you will do whatever it takes to prove you will be worth his time and money.
Your employer needs your help as much as you need that job.
Show your potential employer that you can communicate and take the time to write a proper introduction, preferably made by yourself and not copy and past from the net.
Even if it will take you a week to write, take your time and do it, it will improve the chances of your employer reading your application.
Remember, your potential employer is at least as busy as you are! Avoid shortening words and using abbreviations such as "plz check ur mail" as if were are trying to save costs SMS texting.
Read proof your message before sending it and avoid spelling mistakes
"I am interesting to work for you" instead of I am interested to work for you". I have had someone tell me once " I am a hardly working man" instead of " I am a hard working man".
Well, the truth is, no one wants to hire a hardly working man or interesting man.
Never forget to reply a mail without Signature.I am not your friend to accept a single liner message such as ,check my profile,waiting for your reply,update me plz,plz call,Machine crashed etc etc
Do mention the current role ,responsibilities in a proper way instead of making a paragraph.
Write their names in caps and small letters "aKAsh" instead of Akash,like wise ReGrds,ThAnKS etc.That will sure qualify you to go back to 3rd grade school, but not getting a paid job.
You can mention his/her name as Hi/Dear xyz instead of Dear "Hiring Manager".
Please send me the job description to review it .No please !
If requested provide the feasible time for a call,or else wait until you get a call asking for the feasible time for a discussion.
Its not according to the discussion,according to the call etc etc.You can mention "as per discussion".
Have a decent photo on your LinkedIn profile, I look at some of the photos and ask " Is this someone I want to hire?"first impression counts.
Don't make excuses that you are not photogenic,I've seen people keep photos of smiling monkeys on their desktops.
Show your employers that you are an exceptional employee.
Before applying for the job get to know his business and tell him what you can do to improve his business. Please go through the company profile/website.
Make information readily available for him on your resume,instead of referring him to look and search for you.
Please don't ping in whats app or send a message asking for the update.When i get an update my next job is to let you know.I am paid for it!
Ask for his/her email address if you don't have it and get his/her permission to send him/her your CV.
Do not send a cv without subject and content.
And the best part "plz call me when free". Remeber you are a direct reject.
I am sure there are many more that our valuable members can contribute to me everyday, i just thought i'll conclude for now