16 January 2016


So today was the day !
Meeting sateesh from Canada after three long years . I never expected he would come home to meet .It was a big surprise when I saw him standing right there . Like a dream .I was like super exited and got so much to talk . And we were like stories , break ups , movie , food , vegan, disease, rules, clubs, money, job  what not ?  and it was lovely . Time was flying like no where . Those good old times at chennai , and today it's all changed . Time changes everything with so many memories. Yet to fly and meet up out !
With so many stories ..

Friends are the true relatives !
This day will always be cherished!

Signing off -


  1. oh!! meeting old friends is the ultimate joy!!

    1. Exactly ankita! It was like in some other world ...


Navarathri 2023

 Hi ! Hope you all are having an absolutely wonderful Navarathri season. Here are some of my golu pictures . Let me know which one you liked...