9 September 2016


Life is like a parachute .
You see many people flying in parachutes .
You will think why don't I fly ?
Yes you can .
But before flying
You have to climb the mountain,
Stand on the cliff .
You will feel that you are gona fall
But , you won't .
You got to get the parachute
And open it !

But ,

Do you think the parachute will open and it will be a safe landing ? No it won't.

You have to shed tears, go through pain, tension , fear, doubts, hurt what not ?

But eventually the parachute will open after going through all these . You will fly and land safe .

The point is are you climbing the mountain and standing on the cliff ? ? 

Next, you should have the guts to jump .

Nothing worth having comes that easy !


  1. Good one. But why do I have to climb the mountain and stand on the cliff and go through the agony of weather the parachute will open or not?


Navarathri 2023

 Hi ! Hope you all are having an absolutely wonderful Navarathri season. Here are some of my golu pictures . Let me know which one you liked...