There comes a time in life when there is nothing else to do but to go your own way.A time to follow your dreams.A time to raise the sails of your own beliefs.
30 October 2020
Cute little cards
29 October 2020
Today I am going to write something about which many of the dark skin men suffer .
In whichever country you are please try to understand that even dark skin men are beautiful inside out .They too have a family as you do, they too are responsible and should be respected . Yes should be .
Few of the issues dark skin men face are .
1.When they work for a reputed big organisation they are seen low many at times . It's like they put all the hardwork and come up with a product and the person who presents it will be the so called good looking ,tall,fair and well built person . But let me tell you not everyone who looks good are brilliant and not all dark men are not presentable . Hardwork has to be recognized at any cost .
2. Many of the companies do not recruit dark men (Not in india) . They need white passports .I agree that many fly to other countries for a better life but they should be given chances . Not by looks by the knowledge they have.
3.You might be knowledgeable but if you are dark your salary goes down .For example for the same designation you will be paid 1x and a white passport guy would get 2.5 x . This difference should change. Pay for the brain not the colour .
4.Once you land in Chennai airport they think you are a smuggler and ask you a million questions or check your bag a million times because you look dark and rugged . Once you open your mouth and talk in english they are like ok Sir !This has to change .
5.If you are a Hindu and if you are a brahmin and if you are dark then they ask brahmin ah ? This is the worst i have seen so far . This has to change .
People talk about...modernlifestyle,spirituality,money,fame,status simple lifestyle,minimalism,vegans and what not ?
Let me tell you if you cant treat a fellow human in a good way then there is no use of whatever you have with you .
It would be great if people understand that dark skin men too have a life and they are better than many out there .
Learn to find the beauty in every human regardless of the skin ♡
Wife of a dark skin human ♡
Deepavli Cards By Tungli
So as Deepavali is coming up we made some cards with the glitter paper,craft paper and left over stickers . Yet to send it to India .
Sharing a card which Tungli made for her paati .
Her paati most of the time wears blue colour or blue shade sarees and our house is also painted blue so she calls her as blue paati and we find it cute . Even if I teach her paati name she tells
NO !!Its blue paati
I have even noticed people love receiving cards from Tungli ♡
16 October 2020
Navarathri 2020
Hello Everybody ,
So this is the 5 step golu that I set this year . I have made an auto expo and sanctuary as a small theme for tungli . We both together only set it .Starting with a lotus kolam or rangolithe padi consists of seemandham set,fruits ,choppu set,Shivan parvathy with ganapathy and murugan,Ayyapan, Raman and hanuman,Varalakshmi and the must marapachi dolls
Hope you all liked it and let's pray for a better world .
Navarathri 2023
Hi ! Hope you all are having an absolutely wonderful Navarathri season. Here are some of my golu pictures . Let me know which one you liked...

Hello People ! How are you all . I hope you are getting better as each day pass by . Today I am posting here to know about the country that ...
Navarathri or Dasara is one of the most celebrated festival in India . It's a time of enjoyment . I love being in India during this tim...
So there is a pink rose and the Jasmine buds . I am loving watching the plants grow . It was a single click and i got a good one !