27 May 2016


There is something about losing your mother that is permanent and inexpressible ,
A wound  that will never quite heal.
You are evidence of your mother's strength,
Especially if you are a rebellious knucklehead and regardless she has always maintained her sanity.
Behind all your stories is always your mother's story.
Because hers is where yours begin !!!


  1. This is very nice. I lost my mom eight years ago, but she is always in my heart. It sounds like you had a good relationship with your dear mom as well.


    1. Yes ! I lost her when I was 13 , my brother was 8 and my sister was 3 ! Today was her anniversary so I wrote this for her ! I do love her . Wish she was there now !


Navarathri 2023

 Hi ! Hope you all are having an absolutely wonderful Navarathri season. Here are some of my golu pictures . Let me know which one you liked...