24 January 2019

Have you ever

Have u ever been rejected by someone
Have you ever been told I am busy
Have you ever been told call me after this time
Have you ever been told I have work at home
Have you ever been told I am not jobless like you
Have you ever been told I was sleeping
Have you ever been told I will eat and call

Have you ever felt like crying
Have you ever felt so sad
Have you ever felt to talk to
Have you ever felt to spend sometime together
Have you ever felt why is he\she like this
Have you ever felt why they don't understand you
Have you ever felt why they behave like this to you alone
Have you ever felt why this happens only to you
Have you ever felt why why why ?
And ended up with no answer to your feelings .

Let me know if you have gone through this and what you did to overcome this feeling .

I have gone through this feeling many times.

Note: This is just a post and I am happy with my life and people around me .


  1. I think most of us have gone through some of those feelings.

  2. I think we've all felt these things. As for me, I try to find something I love to do when that happens. Or write. Or paint. Sometimes there IS no answer. But I'm glad you are happy right now. And thank you for coming over to my blog, Marmelade Gypsy, and leaving such a nice comment. It's nice to meet you!

  3. Fortunately, I have not experienced any of this. Life has been good to me. I am a little bit confused from your post. You wrote "I have gone through this feeling many times.". Then you finish the post with "This is just a post and I am happy with my life and people around me".

    1. The post is regarding what I went thru once .now it’s all over and I am happy ever.

  4. Yes, sometimes I get disappointed with friends. But I find peace in so many ways....church, shopping, nature. Thank you for visiting us today. I hope the new year is being good to you.


  5. Ya happened atleat once in life . I guess most of them.come out of it . Peace

  6. These are part of our lives and we can't escape! Glad you doing well and feeling happy :)

  7. Some of these have happened with me and I handled the situation according to my mental and physical condition at that time.Nice post,Shilpa.


Navarathri 2023

 Hi ! Hope you all are having an absolutely wonderful Navarathri season. Here are some of my golu pictures . Let me know which one you liked...