16 June 2019


To begin with I am a tamilian who knows malayalam .My childhood was at Muscat, salalah and palakkad .

According to me I never wanted to marry a Chennai boy because in my perception tamilnadu was a place which has no water Whenever I switched on the TV I remember seeing ladies standing under a tap with colourful cans on the roads .I remember telling my mother when I grow up and you search for a groom do mention that I wont get married to a Chennai boy .

And , I ended up falling in love with a Chennai boy and marrying him ♡ . Then I realised the scenes which I saw in the TV when I was small is not actually the scene.

Today facing the water scarcity in Tamil I feel miserable.Its very difficult to manage . I just thought about pregnant ladies, I'll people, ladies on periods etc etc .You dont have water for anything . JUST IMAGINE

I have no idea why this place ended up to be so . Myself being a nature lover have always wanted to stay In a village , with fresh air ,water ,mountains and so on goes the list . Many people told us to buy a house in Chennai but we ended up buying in an other state because we knew that when we retire we need a peaceful place and not a city . I wish people realized the importance of water and saved it .Its too late but at least if we try to keep.our surroundings happy and clean I think everything will slowly improve.When I talk about all these people make fun of me .But today the day has come as I always say . We are in a situation to pay thousands for water . Life has become horrible .

We have a daughter and we teach her to save water . Few things that we tell her everyday.

1 .Open the tap only while washing your mouth not while brushing .
2.Open the tap to wash your face not while applying soap.
3.After playing in the tub take that water and pour it for the plants .
4.Keep a cup of water everyday in the balcony for the birds .

We think for a 2 year old this will do .

Most of  you are aware on what's happening around and  teach your kids too about all these.You might think what will a small.kid understand but they will. It might all seem like a joke but when it happens to us and the next set of people then we will know the real thing .

I wish the best happens in our future days and peace stay with all .


  1. You're doing a good job of teaching your daughter, because the lessons we learn at a very young age are the ones that really stick with us.

  2. Good one Shilpa. People creating awareness starting from own family is really appreciable.

  3. Never knew you are a chennaivasi.There can be no greater travail than acute water scarcity when it takes days even to get a water tanker for a price.It is misery all around.We are praying for a miracle in the form of heavy rains. Good you are doing your bit to conserve water.

    1. I am a Chennaivasi since 2008.Let it rain. God save .

  4. That's a much taught lessons for future and hope every small step will lead to summit. I believe good children are gift to society and they could bring the change in guide of responsible parents.


Navarathri 2023

 Hi ! Hope you all are having an absolutely wonderful Navarathri season. Here are some of my golu pictures . Let me know which one you liked...