There comes a time in life when there is nothing else to do but to go your own way.A time to follow your dreams.A time to raise the sails of your own beliefs.
29 December 2020
2020 Learning .
20 December 2020
My New Cooking Channel
Hello !!
So here is my new youtube channel of my cooking videos . Please click the below link to have a look .
Why this initiative now ?
Let me tell few things here so that you get a clear picture on what I think .
I am someone who loves to try varieties of food. I am a vegetarian and sometimes I eat eggs .
From my younger days itself i had a great interest on food .Even if I eat little it must be tasty .I have always been particular on food .
My mother was a great cook . Losing my mother at a very young age affected me a lot . Going to hostel at the age of 15 hit me hard . Nearly for 10 years until I got married food was a big problem for me . I never liked hostel food . Most of the days I eat fruits and eat . My memory of good food after my mother death is not in my head .
Once I met naveen I knew he is also someone like me who loves tasty food . I never knew cooking before getting married .Then I decided to make the bestest of food for lifetime and whoever is with me or around me will always have food .
I started learning cooking and got appreciation from friends and family . Later I started an instagram page and posted pictures . Then naveens colleagues started appreciating my food because he shares his tiffin box food with them .
Then slowly Tungli started to bring her friends to home and all together will sit in the sofa and eat. Their parents will be like thank you shilpa they never eat here we are happy that they eat food atleast when they are at your home .
When I post pictures many people asked me for recipes so I used to write and send it to them.
So one day i thought why not start a simple cooking channel and i did it with great help from naveen .
My channel name is PLATE IT SIMPLE !
I make simple cooking videos here . I dont like to show my identity in social media hence you wont see me in the video .
I hope you like it and do subscribe share and support .
I honestly wish my mother was alive to say 'Excellent Taste '
If you have a mother who cooks food for you Remeber you are blessed . NEVER TRY TO FIND A FAULT.
16 December 2020
Lo Fi
I am very happy to write this post here .
I am a person who loves english songs the most like my father . Nobody else hears to those in my family . I do like our Indian language songs but very few . I am not a big fan of any music composer's. I do not like sad songs .I never do .I am very selective on melodies .
Recently I realised that I am loving lo fi music a lot . It's kind of 50's songs but that retro vintage music brings a great positive feeling. I am planning to do a small research on it and find some great songs .
What kind of music do you like ?
Are you someone like me . Outlook is modern but soul is in 50's music;)
8 December 2020
Today is our 8th Wedding Anniversary. Though we know each other for 10 years formally its 8 ;)
So on this day I thought of writing what I feel on this journey.
They normally say so and so years of togethersness but I would say its 8 years of fighting and winning each and every piece of moment in life .Than being together most of the time we have been in different places .We have even stayed in Mansions in seperate rooms even after our wedding . We go out on weekends and meet in the staircase with a chai for chit chat and go back to our rooms .We have been colleagues in 2 companies . The club sandwich and tea breaks where the chit chat time .But let me tell you that was the most beautiful time of life . Less money more fun .So even in reality we have lived half of our life like hostel mates or friends or colleagues. This is one of the situation example . If I start writing then it goes on hence stopping here.
More than happiness we have seen a lot of problems get into our life all the time but we have stood for each other and got it right back on track . I am so very thankful to the universe for bringing Naveen into my life .The special quality I have seen in him is he supports my whole family at any cost and he has more patience than me. That understanding with patience is a rare thing . I always pray he stays happy ..
So this wedding day was a very simple one . He got me my favourite Plum cake .Naveen got a pair of dress for me and he got 5 pairs ;) Wait .. I am super happy that he really bought something for himself . I told him to buy more actually . He never buys anything for him .He always says you all be happy and I am happy .I made his favourite Aviyal for lunch box . That's how it went and tata bye bye to Office .
Anyhow like you all I learnt my own lessons during this Covid times and the first thing I learnt is Naveen should first always and from now on he will be ♡
Hoping for many more years of friendship and then the us .Above all I have always been proud and happy that we never faked a single moment in our life . Whatever maybe our journey is right there on the table like a candle .
Love ♡ Food ♡ Sleep ♡ Peace ♡ Patience ♡
With love ,
Your friend
3 December 2020
News plants and lets grow more happier
22 November 2020
Some pictures of the birds here . These birds are really cute and very much needed for the situation . Not all the days are great for us . The presence of birds brings a small change .
Let me know your favourite one .
20 November 2020
Today as Tungli woke up a bit earlier than normal we did some colouring,bird watching,had breakfast and i took her down to see some flowers .She normally takes some flowers to keep in her head and give it to me and Naveen with an I love you ♡
Here are some pictures that I took in my phone .
Have a great day !!!
15 November 2020
Hello everybody hope the Diwali festival went well. So these days I find most of the people behaviour has changed around and most of the time I am thinking what to do creative or is there anything that gives a soothing feeling . Kind of cozy thing . Just to chill,think something randomly have a nice tea so on .
I decided to take all the pictures and videos taken during our travel and make some aesthetic videos with it . I am not a vlogger or I dont like to show my identity or personal life in a youtube video but I make some short videos on my travel,festivals,hobbies or something like that .
Do you like aesthetic videos ?
8 November 2020
My Diwali Thoughts
This Diwali is a very simple one for us looking into the current situation . We are yet to go to India .Probably next year ...
My memories on Diwali goes like this . My father buys a lot of crackers when we were small and definitely a new dress for the whole family . A special simple meal will be made by my mother . Myself ,my brother and sister love bursting crackers and we wake up by 3 or 4 am in the morning to keep the first cracker and wake up everybody . My mother loves 1000 wala and my favourite is pookutti( busvanam) and vishnu chakram . My brother loves ola pattasu and lakshmi vadi, my sister enjoys the kambi thiri . My dad randomly helps us with all these . A common big candle is the highlight which will stay in one corner in the house entrance.
Our common favourite is Roll Cap . All 3 will have a gun and we sit with it all day . Sometimes we like to crack it with a stone also. These are the beautiful memories of diwali I have .
Today I am married and I have a child ,my sister and brother also got married and we 3 stay in different parts of the world .
I wish all these happens soon once again and our kids get to enjoy like us as well as we too ;)
Alright so let get into the topic:)
Today myself and Naveen wih tungli went for a small diwali shopping . We started with a saravana bhavan coffee, and from santy textiles got a pattu pavadai for Tungli and one saree each for myself and my mil . Naveen dint buy anything for him today because he dint like any of the kurtha there and he really wanted a formal or casual shirt so that it can be worn for work as well as while going out . He is not too much of a traditional/ethnic wear person. Anyhow he promised me that he will get one for sure before diwali .Then we went to perumal flower shop and bought some flowers for pooja and few tea light candles to keep in the diwali rangoli . That's all we did today .
Before I end what I have to say is I thank all the men around who bring money for the house and I do understand that most of them have lost their jobs or have salary cut offs .I hope it gets better soon.
I wish all the families get better from all their financial issues and other problems too and live a happy life .
Wishing you all a happy time ahead and advance diwali wishes .
Once again thanks to all the men who make the home happy in any difficult situation ♡
7 November 2020
Amigurumi Dolls/Rattles
The dolls /Rattles that you see below are handmade and 100 % cotton . This crocheting technique is called as Amigurumi.If the crochet style and design is in the head then this can be easily knitted by anyone .Its kind of tricky but a worthy one .
I hope you all liked these .
Post in your comments .
4 November 2020
During this Covid times I started my own small time business of handmade products such as baby name banners,Icons,Activity books and many more . I do this from home itself .It's all made of non toxic felt and we are shipping worldwide .
So below are the Christmas and Diwali banner/Bunting that I made .
I hope you all like it . Post in your thoughts .
You can follow my page in Instagram which is @HappieeRoots (The logo with have two orange hands of Tungli)
This business will be done in a larger scale when I reach India .
Advance Happy Diwali and Happy Christmas wishes to all of you from HappieeRoots ♡
30 October 2020
Cute little cards
29 October 2020
Today I am going to write something about which many of the dark skin men suffer .
In whichever country you are please try to understand that even dark skin men are beautiful inside out .They too have a family as you do, they too are responsible and should be respected . Yes should be .
Few of the issues dark skin men face are .
1.When they work for a reputed big organisation they are seen low many at times . It's like they put all the hardwork and come up with a product and the person who presents it will be the so called good looking ,tall,fair and well built person . But let me tell you not everyone who looks good are brilliant and not all dark men are not presentable . Hardwork has to be recognized at any cost .
2. Many of the companies do not recruit dark men (Not in india) . They need white passports .I agree that many fly to other countries for a better life but they should be given chances . Not by looks by the knowledge they have.
3.You might be knowledgeable but if you are dark your salary goes down .For example for the same designation you will be paid 1x and a white passport guy would get 2.5 x . This difference should change. Pay for the brain not the colour .
4.Once you land in Chennai airport they think you are a smuggler and ask you a million questions or check your bag a million times because you look dark and rugged . Once you open your mouth and talk in english they are like ok Sir !This has to change .
5.If you are a Hindu and if you are a brahmin and if you are dark then they ask brahmin ah ? This is the worst i have seen so far . This has to change .
People talk about...modernlifestyle,spirituality,money,fame,status simple lifestyle,minimalism,vegans and what not ?
Let me tell you if you cant treat a fellow human in a good way then there is no use of whatever you have with you .
It would be great if people understand that dark skin men too have a life and they are better than many out there .
Learn to find the beauty in every human regardless of the skin ♡
Wife of a dark skin human ♡
Deepavli Cards By Tungli
So as Deepavali is coming up we made some cards with the glitter paper,craft paper and left over stickers . Yet to send it to India .
Sharing a card which Tungli made for her paati .
Her paati most of the time wears blue colour or blue shade sarees and our house is also painted blue so she calls her as blue paati and we find it cute . Even if I teach her paati name she tells
NO !!Its blue paati
I have even noticed people love receiving cards from Tungli ♡
16 October 2020
Navarathri 2020
Hello Everybody ,
So this is the 5 step golu that I set this year . I have made an auto expo and sanctuary as a small theme for tungli . We both together only set it .Starting with a lotus kolam or rangolithe padi consists of seemandham set,fruits ,choppu set,Shivan parvathy with ganapathy and murugan,Ayyapan, Raman and hanuman,Varalakshmi and the must marapachi dolls
Hope you all liked it and let's pray for a better world .
28 September 2020
My Memories of Childhood Navarathri
Navarathri is a 10 day festival celebrated in India.This celebration is meant for ladies and girls basically. The number of steps to be set up is 3 ,5 ,7, 9 or 11 and these steps are filled with clay dolls. It's the perfect time to dress up and visit friends and family .
My memories of navarathri will be this way . In our house my mother normally keeps a small golu.But there are few houses in our village who keep 9 and 11 steps . Myself ,my brother and my sister used to go to everybody's house for the bakshanam . All the 10 days sundal( snack) is what we eat for dinner and sleep .
'Bommakol bakshanam mamiya patha lakshanam' is our funny way of asking bakshanam . Crazy isn't it ?But when we think of it now it's beautiful. I wish my daughter also enjoyed these type of times in life .
These days,I see many keeping theme based golu,handmade dolls golu and paper mache dolls golu .I am not a bug fan of these ones . I like the clay dolls traditional golu though few dolls will be added as I keep it for my daughter to enjoy like park ,zoo etc .These days nobody is going to others house for the bakshanam. Rarely they visit for a day just for formality as they have invited .There are so many changes happened around in the culture . I wish it was like before . These days it's all modern but I am trying to keep a traditional golu of 3 or 5 steps this year and invite atleast 2 or 3 flat members next door .
Do you celebrate Navarathri ?
What are your childhood memories of this festival?
What type of golu do you like ?
Post in your thoughts .
26 September 2020
Post your thought
Hope you all are doing well . Just thought of writing a different blog today .
What are you thinking these days ? What are your future thoughts and how is it all going ?
I am currently visiting countries through phone calls with naveen
I call naveen and we talk about some place and it feels as if we have already gone so naveen is taking me on vacations during corona .Imagination is very important in life you know ;)Just kidding .
So Diwali and Navarathri is coming up . I really wish to be in india during Diwali .More than me Naveen is missing diwali and I miss the streets of mylapore before navarathri . So these are the things in my mind .
Hope we all get out of these situations and re unite and have happy times ahead .
But this new year I am planning to stand of the road at 12 just looking at the sky . Like I am out of 4 walls da feeling :)
Happiness is free .Have to find the right one .So this is my idea .
Ok people so post in your thoughts here .
19 September 2020
8 years with Shilpa
Hi ,
I am Shilpa's Adidas Shoe !
I am black in colour with some pink blush on my cheeks .I have travelled with Shilpa for 8 long years and I have had a beautiful journey . She has run with me for miles and miles at Dubai and India when she had high insulin for 3 years . I love shilpa so much . She has taken me to Georgia and Armenia .We have gone a lot of funny night walks and she is forever my lovable friend . I have shared 8 years of my life with her
Naveen ! Her husband came into our life and spoiled our friendship and good times .
Though he thought to impress my friend by washing her shoes and making her day he put me inside the washing machine and took my life.
I wish he dint do that and I had more good times with shilpa .
I wish shilpa finds another beautiful shoe like me and that pair stays with her forever
Miss you Shilpa♡
With love,
Your Shoe
5 September 2020
Our Coronam and Brother wedding
Normally Onam is a much celebrated festival in our house . This time it was an emotional one because on the same day it was my own brother's wedding and I couldnt attend . We had to see it in live but ,until and unless he is happy we are happy .That's all matters .I will be fine soon as days pass by . This situation and people dint favour me .
This year our Onam was very simple.
We dint sleep properly for 2 days as we had to stay live and see all the rituals going on and in between of all these myself and Naveen with tungli managed to go to the flower shop and buy some flowers . A simple CORONAM and a special flower kolam for the newly wedded.Finding happiness in between of the mess of emotions.Though I did not attend i did my own make up with some gold jewellery which I had here and i wore a new saree .I had to look well on the live call hence .
So I made a small sadhya ( lunch with few special kerela dishes) and we had a good day all together . Kind of mixed feelings day .
Posting a picture of the flower kolam(Pookalam) below Hope you all like it.
How was your onam or how did you like this design and the post ?
2 September 2020
Why I stopped chasing Money
I belong to a family that had an addiction .That's why I say behind every addiction there is a generation that suffers .
Now let's enter into the topic . I have seen enough of money in my life and I have seen my father changing cars every month and to my knowledge I had the most luxurious life that any child would ask for . Yes it was a golden spoon thing .
But it doesnt take much to loose everything in your life . Anytime this can happen to anyone . Everything you see around is uncertain .The money,the cars,the house,the job,the family,the relatives ,friends what not . You never know when all these stops favouring you .
One such day every favours of a Rich life was stopped. Then how I reached this place today is a history . I dont think I can make it in a blog .
But let me be honest I have all the above mention today .Infact god blessed me with a man who has some qualities of my father . I am so grateful for that .
What did I learn ?
I dont plan anything based on money,I do not expect money from anyone,I stopped lending money,Whenever i buy something i think a million times ,I will live with the money I have ,I save for my future because I dont know what will happen next ,I stopped believing people,I stopped talking to many the list goes on ..
But whever i see the money the first thing that hits me is it will just vanish in the air anytime ..yes anytime for anyone .You never know .
I knew life is not about the money and luxuries. It's all about how happy you are,do you eat good food,do you get sleep at night,do you have peace ,do you have 1 person to share your life and thoughts with and are you having a happy life with whatever you are .And also life taught me on how to live without both your parents .
So it's too much of learning and experiences that changed me to this person today .
And I am sure I am not going give all the luxuries to my daughter . If at all these luxuries which she has now vanishes she must know to lead a successful life as I do . I do not want anyone to go through what I went through.
Thus ,Money is for the need and not for luxury .
13 August 2020
Dedicated to Mr.NK
This is an unexpected post . I never knew Naveen had so many questions to ask but as he is also a part of this session I am posting my answers here . I would honestly reply for him too . I stand by my word . But let me tell you I am surprised looking at his questions and happy too
1.Why did you accept my love ?
Firstly I like you ,second I knew that you would be for me at any point of situation as the first thing you told me was that you will stand for my brother and sister in their difficulties . If you can do that I knew that you will never leave me .
And I like dark men so that's also a reason . Altogether I like you ♡ you are my bestest .
2.Why u are sometimes too bothering?
I seriously dont know but I agree that sometimes I am too bothering ;)
3.Why u dnt like people who drink or smoke?
Behind every addiction there is a generation that suffers hence . I dont want any of my generations to suffer due to an addict .
4.What is the word "parenting" for u?
When I die my daughter/ Son should have the bestest memory of their mother /father . It should never be of a parent who went behind money .It should be of a parent who spent happy times with them . They should end up with happy memories and peaceful life .
5.Why u love ur brother 1st b4 me?
6.How would you take things in life if i pass away first?
I cried reading this question but on a serious note I will still lead my life and try to bring as much as peace within the family because that's what you like the most but I promise or I am sure that I will not bring in another man into my life . You are my forever ♡
7.Why u talk too much?
Only to you :) I stopped talking to many sometime back .
8.With no cooking experience for 1st 25 years what made you get into cooking for me after marriage?
Because you love food and I love you ;)
9.What is love?What is trust?
When trust is broken love is also broken and hurt enters in which is an unexplainable feeling.So trust is more important that love .
10.Why you dnt believe anyone so quickly?
Because 99 percent of people in my life have hurt me .From the age of 15 I am seeing this in my life hence I dont believe or trust anyone quickly .They dont come to be without a reason . At some point they either cheat or hurt me .I dont want to get more of it hence started leaving people in life as per their wish .Let them do whatever they want .
11.U wake in the mrng! Some one rings ur doorbell! U see ur dad saying hi! How u wud react
I will kneel down and cry as much as I can .
12.Why u dont like cleaning toilet alone?
Because cleaning toilet is a boring job and need company :)
13.Chennai or palakkad?
For the exposure Chennai and for peace and calmness palakkad
14.Why u dont watch movies often even though u have netflix login?
Because I dont have patience to sit and watch a movie for 3 hours . Also I watch a movie only if I know it's worth my time hence . Some movies I do.
So in total he had 14 questions and there was no response as he slept off .I guess he has more questions to ask me let's see ..... to be continued
But I am very happy that I am having a wonderful Q & A session this year .
Q & A Part 2
I really thought of only part 1 . Never expected part 2 .As I got so many question putting a part 2 here .
1.Unni- Chaptacha ?( Did you eat?)
Yes I did . ♡
2.Meera - What inspired you for cooking/crafts ?
Inspiration for cooking is Naveen . I dont know cooking until I married Naveen as my life completely was in hostel from the age of 15 . He loves to eat good food hence I learned it only for him .
Crafts I have no clue .I do from the age of 2 or 3 itself and I still have all the drawings that I did from first .My parents had saved it in a file and it's a memory now .How beautifully they had collected my work ♡
Who is your role model?
Nobody . I dont have or will have any role model in my life .
3.Sowmiya - How does your skin glow ?
I dont put soap on my face ,I force myself to drink 8 bottles of water everyday ,I do fruit facials at home .I dont use powder or any other cosmetics on my face .
How did naveen get such a talented and cute girl like u.His family is very lucky to have u and how do u maintain this passion for all art forms?
Honestly I am lucky to have Naveen in my life who has the greatest quality of a human which is patience .
How did he get me ? He has always loved people who keeps thinking and stays creative so that is the reason to fall in love with me. In every fall I have found a creative way out . He likes that quality of thinking life in every different angle possible and i create solutions for every problem.Atleast so far I have .
Maintanance of passion in art forms ?
I dont know . I love creating and finding different ways to lead a day .My perspective of everything has always been different from others and I dont know why.
5.Gayathri C.V -Why we didn’t meet wen u wer in Chennai?
I think it was raining that day when I planned . Sorry probably on my next vacation and when we are safe from corona .
Thank you for all the wonderful question.
10 August 2020
Q&A 2020
So here is my Q & A for this year . I had 2 parts last time which was nearly 25 to 30 questions but this year I think there will be only one part as many dint respond to my message .
So here we go .
First of all thanks to everybody who took time to respond to my question .
1.Asha - Shipping cost ?
As a part of my small business I had made a banner for her son. I have to ship it to California. I am yet to check for the shipping charges and when it will reach if sent . So her query is on hold . I liked the question tho :)
2.Ragavan- When are you coming to Chennai ?
Definitely not for now .
3.Harish - Will you help me plan my UAE vacation ?
As of now sorry I cant help you due to Covid :) .Better stay safe wherever you are .
4.Nandhini- How do you find time to do so many things dear
I have my own schedule which I follow and I try my best to go with it .I have a diary in which I plan everything .
5.Vidhya -What is the best advice for a girl for a successful married life ?
Patience and not telling opinions /advice without someone asks you . When this is done most of the things end up as a success :)
6.Gayathri -How you are managing time so productively .Can you give me some tips for time management
I plan my day to day in a diary . I try my max to stick to it . Sometimes I do pending works when Tungli is sleeping .
7.Reshma -How you take a worse situation positively?
If it's related to a person I would think is he/she worth knowing what I feel ? Atleast if I explain will they know what I am going through . If the answer is no I just walk off and think what's the next move . I will give a damn. But before I take this decision I would have thought a million times for sure .
If it's a life changing situation scenario that is not favouring still I think what's next and move on . I have seen enough of worst situations and people in my life hence not a big deal actually .
It's kind of difficult but I can definitely find a strong reason to move forward and I will .
8.Vishvesh- Wats ur opinion regarding extra martial affair?
I dont know why this guy asked this question to me but my answer would be no comments.
9.Steffy -Are you happy ?
Thank you Steffy yes I am happy in my own world .
Last but not the least
10.Satish - Are you ok ?
Firstly how are you? and are you ok ?are two different things for me.
I cried reading this question . Let me be very honest . No human asks me this question . Many at times in life I have thought we always ask people how they are but no one even bothers to know what's our status . That's how the world and people have changed . Then I got used to it. Every human would love hearing this question are you ok ? Naveen spoke to this guy and told him thanks for the question .Shilpa was very happy . That's how much this question meant to me . I full heartedly think people should learn to ask how are you or are you ok to atleast some people in life . After all life is uncertain we never know what happens next .
Anyhow thanks to everybody who had beautiful questions for me and I wish you all good health and peace .
Much love to all and I guess you all are ok wherever you are now .
Thank you .
8 August 2020
A little dealing with myself
With so much of negative things happening around I thought of bringing so happy vibes around me .Its been a long time since I heard good things around me . So how am I going to make the change for the next 10 days .
1. Planning to study botany . Bringing back the 12th grade life . I have loved botany than zoology hence i am planning to learn atleast about 5 to 10 plants in the upcoming days .
2.I am on the process of starting my own company hence gonna fill up the diary with my ideas and spend some time on it (on a serious note )
3.De clutter many items from our house including Tungli toys and having a check on her clothing too .
4.Download a picture of nature everyday and write something about it
5.Planning to make some traditional tamilnadu and karnataka dishes . Just doing some dwelling on karnataka traditional dishes .Seems interesting
6.Have to make handmade cards with Tungli for upcoming birthdays or 2 to 3 people in our family .
7.Try making some interesting cocktails. Atleast 2 or 3
8. Cleaning and sorting all the pooja items . Next have to get ready for Navarathri :)
9.Write some surprise sticky notes everyday to Naveen .
10.Do some thinking and having Plan C. I am always someone who has plan B but these days having Plan C is not wrong .
Do you also have plans like these . What are your thoughts these days .
Wish you all better and happy days ahead ♡
6 August 2020
Whats happening around ?
31 July 2020
Varalaksmi puja 2020
27 July 2020
23 July 2020
The story of sleep paralysis
Has anybody experienced this if so post in your experience in the comment box.
My story of sleep paralysis . I experienced this for the first time when I was in Chennai. I did work in night shifts or the so called graveyard shifts for 8 years . When I first experienced it I was so scared .
How i felt ? It's like some unknown thing climbing on you and making you lifeless . You cannot move or even call someone . Actually you would be calling for help but no sound would come out of your mouth . You will think you moving your hand to wake up the nearby person but actually you dont move . You are lifeless.You hear the weirdest sounds around you .Then in sometime you are free and you come out of it .The first thing I do is to drink water because it's like waking up from another world .
When i tell this to people they dont believe . Naveen has also experienced the same once in his lifetime hence he believes me.
I am still scared to sleep alone . I also tell someone at home to come and check on me when I am sleeping at night . I keep the door open and sleep . It's all because i am scared of this paralysis .
Do you believe in this . Have you experienced it .
22 July 2020
19 July 2020
Snow man got a new dress
She loved the surprise and this has been her recent favourite . She keeps telling snowman feels cold hence I decided to make a dress for him . I had some leftover yellow wool so I managed to make this .That's all no more well left in the house :)
How is it ? Did you all like it ?
18 July 2020
Handmade Hairclip Holder
Myself and Tungli made this hair clip holder yesterday just to keep her clips in a funky way and she can select which one she wants everyday .
I just painted and wrote her name and she sticked some animals and stars with some diamonds and use used cello clear tape and few pink satin ribbons .
Hope you liked it .
You are fired.
So how did we deal the firing ?
The boss calls and tells you you are fired !!!
What's next ??
I have heard this nearly 3 to 4 times in my life but by God's grace I had been called back . Naveen has also faced the same . We have lost jobs been in trauma ,found another one so and so ...that's life .
But when we hear this sentence it's like life falling apart ,we think whether we have money in the bank,how much money is there in the purse ,how will we pay the Bill's, should we travel back to hometown forever so and so ...
These are the common questions that pops in
But there is a way out .
Just sit in the sofa and think why me ? Why I alone get hit all the time ? Get up and have a cup of coffee or tea ..
Open the window and tell to yourself yes this job is gone but it doesnt mean that I will never get a job . Whatever the pandemic may be I will go for work again in life . Might be a lesser pay but something is better than nothing for this situation .
I am still alive .Happy for it .
This is the only way I got to deal with this situation .
Also dont keep talking about the job loss to people and explaining what is happening or what's next then you are putting yourself in problems again .Talking the same thing again.
Let it go and everything will fall in place.
17 July 2020
Humans as trees
That's the way I could see them now.
Some are big and beautiful
Some are thin and fragile
Some are crooked and dark
Some are full of life
Some are full of green
Some are dried and brown
Some are high and not reachable
Some are short and giving
Some are colourful
Some are not
So is everything around me
So choose which one you would want to be
Not all the trees are the same
Atleast, be a beautiful tree with strong roots
Inhale love and exhale forgiveness ♡
15 July 2020
Trust me there is a way out for sure
It's just that you have to give some time for yourself and come in terms with what you feel
You should become friends with your thoughts and talk
That's the only way out .
Keeping on thinking will never help you and talking is also going to ruin the situation .
Anyhow nobody is going to understand what you feel so it's better you come in terms with your life .
Find the peace within you and try to implement step by step
It might be difficult but it's worth it .
Bit by bit you change ,others see the change in you and that becomes their biggest confusion and then they bring in empathy advice and sympathy for you but you got to be the same .
Let me tell you silence brings people nearer .
When you read this it will be funny but silence does put people in confusion and realise what is what . There is nothing more powerful than silence.
I am not saying to be silent always but when it's much needed you have to and wait for the result .
I am writing from my own experience . I am a super active,talkative, short tempered and lovable person but as I started learning people and their thoughts I learned this .
I have faced depression and anxiety many times in life . I do overcome it and this is one way .
If it helps anybody here I am happy hence posting it .
Put yourself first and think . You will know what I mean .
14 July 2020
A quote feeling
11 July 2020
10 July 2020
Navarathri 2023
Hi ! Hope you all are having an absolutely wonderful Navarathri season. Here are some of my golu pictures . Let me know which one you liked...

Hello People ! How are you all . I hope you are getting better as each day pass by . Today I am posting here to know about the country that ...
Navarathri or Dasara is one of the most celebrated festival in India . It's a time of enjoyment . I love being in India during this tim...
So there is a pink rose and the Jasmine buds . I am loving watching the plants grow . It was a single click and i got a good one !