16 September 2022

Click Control

 Hi All , 

Today as I am giving my phone in the store to change the panel as I broke it I had to transfer everything in my phone before going to submit . That’s when I saw nearly a 10 year story / chapters of my life . It was an amazing experience to go through all the photos but I also thought there are a lot . I had nearly 20000 pictures and 4000 videos . But every photo had a story . Has been a wonderful journey . It was a really long time to get this photos transferred. Took a lot of my patience and time . 

So now I have decided to stop taking a lot a photos and instead take less . And another thing is I am still wondering how to print all these or make an album . 

How do you all deal with this ? Do you take a lot of photos ? Or what are your thoughts on saving or printing these . Do post in some ideas for me . 

Navarathri special drawing


Navarathri 2023

 Hi ! Hope you all are having an absolutely wonderful Navarathri season. Here are some of my golu pictures . Let me know which one you liked...