26 September 2020

Post your thought

Hope you all are doing well . Just thought of writing a different blog today .

What are you thinking these days ? What are your future thoughts and how is it all going ? 

I am currently visiting countries through phone calls with naveen ...lol 

I call naveen and we talk about some place and it feels as if we have already gone so naveen is taking me on vacations during corona .Imagination is very important in life you know ;)Just kidding .

So Diwali and Navarathri is coming up . I really wish to be in india during Diwali .More than me Naveen is missing diwali and I miss the streets of mylapore before navarathri . So these are the things in my mind .

Hope we all get out of these situations and re unite and have happy times ahead . 

But this new year I am planning to stand of the road at 12 just looking at the sky . Like I am out of 4 walls da feeling :) 

Happiness is free .Have to find the right one .So this is my idea . 

Ok people so post in your thoughts here .


  1. The world of imagination is boundless. We can go anywhere!

    I am thinking thankfulness today. God bless you, Shilpa and Naveen.

    1. Thank you Sandi and wishing you the same .

  2. Yes, this year is very different and we're missing what we're used to having. But we'll get it back eventually. And next year we can remember how much we missed the usual and appreciate it all the more.

  3. I wish for a life without mask and free movement like earlier. Now only four walls and the compound around my house are our world. Good post.

    1. So damn true . Same feeling here .only 4 walls no compound:(


Navarathri 2023

 Hi ! Hope you all are having an absolutely wonderful Navarathri season. Here are some of my golu pictures . Let me know which one you liked...