4 April 2022

Are you a minimalist?

  Hello ! How are you all doing ? I am happy to know many people from my previous post . Thank you . 

Today I just thought of writing about living with needed items . What is your view on minimalism ? Everywhere it’s minimalist videos and related videos . 

Are you a minimalist ? Have you heard about this concept in younger days ? How was life then ? 

If you are a minimalist how did you start the journey ? 


  1. Good thought to know about others' spending habit, Shilpa.Of late, we hear much about minimalism.
    Iam not a minimalist, but not a spendthrift too. Nothing extravagant I master.

    1. Yes knowing what’s going around is needed for my learning . I think I am also like you . I spend on some things that I really love . If I can avoid I will leave it . Kind of 30/100 spending

  2. I don't know if I am a minimalist or not. I go behind a simple lifestyle. My needs are simple, but I struggle to finish my day; perhaps this is why I keep my visions from perching peaks to a minimum.

    1. Good to know Jeevan . How are
      You . Hope you are doing well :)

  3. Yes, I'm a minimalist. I don't like a lot of clutter, and I have downsized in my later years. I only keep things now that have special meaning to me, like treasures of the heart. Thank you for asking.


    1. Great to know . Yes I am also on the way to join the minimalist club .


Navarathri 2023

 Hi ! Hope you all are having an absolutely wonderful Navarathri season. Here are some of my golu pictures . Let me know which one you liked...